Foster Carer Training: Action Learning Set
MEET.GOOGLE.COM/COR-SJPS-XJJTune in with your Child - 5 Love Languages If you wish to attend, please follow this link:
Tune in with your Child - 5 Love Languages If you wish to attend, please follow this link:
Knowing & Protecting Children's Rights If you would like to attend this training, please follow this link:
Emotional Coaching If you would like to attend this training, please follow this link:
ACTION & LEARNING SET To reflect on the importance that the needs, rights and views of the child or young person are at the centre of all practice and provision. For carers to understand the role of the Hackney Children’s Rights officer and the support this service provides to our children in care. To better [...]
To enable carers to identify when a child is presenting with suicidal thoughts/behaviour. - To provide useful information to carers about services for children and young people with suicidal thoughts. - To support the carer to create a plan that will support the children’s immediate safety. To book a place email Natalia Mihu at